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Change in Lufthansa Cargo process

Revision of liability limits under the Montreal Convention 1999
Affected export region(s):
Affected import region(s):
What is changing:

The Montreal Convention 1999 (MC99) provides a unified framework for international air carriage between its contracting states, setting uinbreakable liability limits for damage, loss or delay of cargo.

Effective 28 diciembre 2024, the MC99 liability limits for cargo claims increase to 26 SDRs per kilogram (approximately US$ 34 as of writing). This change, announced by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), reflects a periodic adjustment for inflation.

To-do for customer:
  • Update AWBs: Where applicable, please ensure the internal system configurations for issuing paper Air Waybills (AWBs) reflect the new limits. A six-month grace period is provided for managing existing paper stock. The relevant underlying resolutions are being automatically adjusted by the IATA Secretariat.
  • Review Insurance: Confirm your liability insurance covers the increased limits. Contact your insurer if necessary.
  • Stay Informed: Familiarize yourself with the updated IATA resolutions and relevant recommended practices (600i, 672, and 1679).

Should you have questions, do not hesitate to revert to your usual Lufthansa Cargo contact person.

In case of disregard:
  • See text above
Valid from:
28/12/24 0:00
Valid until:
Until further notice
Your local sales contact