Department | Phone | |
Sales | | |
Export handling | | |
Transit handling | | |
Import handling | | |
Private customers - animals |
Lufthansa Cargo AG
+491806 747 200 022 |
I need assistance to solve irregularities with my shipment.
Import information
(FIRMS) Customs |
Import Terminal Charge (ITC) |
Storage Fee |
Extra Comment |
The information in this database is provided to you because Lufthansa Cargo places the highest value to its professional relationship with you. While the authors have attempted to ensure the accuracy of the information they are providing, they make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. The information is given in good faith and strictly on a without prejudice basis and may not be construed as creating a legal liability, obligation, duty or responsibility on behalf of Lufthansa Cargo or a waiver or diminution of any rights, defenses, warranties, immunities and limitations available to Lufthansa Cargo. The information relates to the general products and service offerings of Lufthansa Cargo and is not related to any specific contracts, agreements, duties, obligations etc. Lufthansa Cargo reserves the right to alter, amend or supplement this information and makes available the information to you explicitly in strict confidence. For any avoidance of doubt any obligations, warranties and/or guarantees of Lufthansa Cargo only arise from concluded contracts and/or agreements of transport.