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Facts & Figures

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Key Facts

13,706 m. freight tonne-kilometres offered


8,482 m. freight tonne-kilometres sold

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FactsFigures-Image & +List

Meet the Executive Board

Meet the Executive Board

Board Members

Executive Board members

Lufthansa Cargo is managed by an Executive Board team.

Ashwin Bhat is Chairperson of the Executive Board and Chief Executive & Commercial Officer. 
Frank Bauer is Member of the Executive Board and Chief Financial and HR Officer as well as Labor Director of Lufthansa Cargo.


Supervisory Board members

Shareholder Representatives:

  • Dr Michael Niggemann (Chairperson)
  • Dr Christian Leifeld
  • Stephan Parrandier
  • Kerstin Schulz
  • Dr Janna Schumacher
  • Annabel Schwätter

Employee Representatives:

  • Sebastian Baumgart
  • Frank Hartstein
  • Marcus Niedermeyer
  • Uwe Schramm
  • Mischa Szczepaniak
  • Stefan Wolf
Chief Executive & Commercial Officer

Chairperson and Chief Executive & Commercial Officer

Ashwin Bhat has been Chairperson of the Executive Board and CEO of Lufthansa Cargo AG since 15 April 2023. His responsibilities include Business Development and Cooperations, Communications and Corporate Responsibility, Global Sales and Regional Management, as well as Network and Revenue Management.

In addition to his role as Chairperson of the Executive Board, Ashwin Bhat is also member of the Board of Directors of Swiss International Air Lines.

Ashwin Bhat, born in 1969, studied Chemistry at the University of Mumbai, India.

Bhat began his professional career in 1992 as Cargo and Mail Revenue Accounting Manager at Airline Financial Support Services (India).

In 1999, Bhat took his first position at Swisscargo AG in Switzerland as Revenue System Controller.

From 2002, Ashwin Bhat was responsible for Cargo Accounting and Divisional Controlling as General Manager at Swiss WorldCargo, Swiss International Air Lines Ltd.

From 2005 to 2010, he headed Revenue Management, Pricing and Accounting followed by Head of Transportation Management Cargo.

As of 2010 Bhat was responsible as Head of Cargo Asia, Middle East and Africa. 

From 2012 to 2013, he assumed this position for The Americas, Middle East and Asia. 

In 2013, Ashwin Bhat was appointed Vice President, Head of Global Area Management Cargo. 

From 2015 to February 2021 Bhat headed the Cargo division at Swiss International Air Lines. 

In March 2021, the Supervisory Board of Lufthansa Cargo AG appointed Ashwin Bhat as Chief Commercial Officer to the Executive Board of Lufthansa Cargo AG.

Chief Financial & HR Officer

Chief Financial & HR Officer

Effective August 1, 2023, the Supervisory Board of Lufthansa Cargo AG has appointed Frank Bauer as Chief Financial Officer and Labor Director of Lufthansa Cargo AG. His areas of responsibility include Human Resources, Finance & Controlling, Legal, Corporate & Political Affairs, Information Management and Supply Management & Infrastructure.

Frank Bauer, born in 1981, studied industrial engineering at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern.

He began his career at Lufthansa as a trainee in 2007 and became a consultant to the Chairman of the Executive Board at Lufthansa Cargo AG in Frankfurt in 2008.

In 2010, he moved to the cargo airline Jade Cargo in China. 

In 2012, he returned to Deutsche Lufthansa AG and took on numerous management positions in the years that followed. For example, he headed the Lufthansa Group's Internal Audit department.

Subsequently, as a member of the Executive Board of Eurowings, he was responsible for Finance and Human Resources. 

Most recently, he headed Controlling and Risk Management at the Lufthansa Group.

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January 6, 1926 - Founding of Deutsche Lufthansa AG

In the first year of its existence, Deutsche Luft Hansa AG transports as much as 258 tons of cargo.


Opening of first cargo routes

The first cargo routes are opened between: Berlin-Hanover-Essen/Mühlheim-Cologne-London; London-Amsterdam-Hanover-Berlin; Cologne-Paris; Paris-Cologne-Essen/Mühlheim-Berlin; Berlin-Essen/Mühlheim-Cologne


Increased transportation capacity

The Boeing 707 freighters are replaced by five modern DC-8-73 planes. The new fleet provides increased transportation capacity and less impact on the environment.


Lufthansa invests in DHL

Lufthansa and Japan Airlines acquire a 5% share each in the express courier service DHL, thereby expanding their product ranges.


November 30, 1994 - Founding of Lufthansa Cargo AG


ISO 9001 certification

Almost all worldwide sales and handling facilities of Lufthansa Cargo acquire ISO 9001 certification.


January 1, 1998 – Launch of Business Partnership Program

Lufthansa Cargo AG presents its Business Partnership Program. This cooperation with selected partners allows Lufthansa Cargo AG to offer its customers one-stop services.

April 1, 1998 – Market Introduction of td.Services

As part of a fundamental reorganization of its services, Lufthansa Cargo AG launches its time definite services td.Pro, td.X and td.Flash: a few months later the company expands its td.product portfolio by the td.SameDay services.


Lufthansa Cargo expands its fleet

Lufthansa Cargo AG purchases three additional MD11 cargo planes, and plans to acquire six additional MD-11's by 2001. The first td.service td.SameDay is available on the internet.



At the start of the summer flight schedules in 2001, Lufthansa Cargo launched its Round-the-World-Service. On this first airfreight service round the globe, MD-11 freighters fly thrice-weekly on two different routes from Frankfurt via North America to New Zealand. The return flight to Germany is routed via Australia, Malaysia and Pakistan. The flight, lasting a total of 66 hours, is operated in cooperation with Air New Zealand. The service is also the first for Lufthansa Cargo across the South Pacific.

11. September

The 9/11 attacks in New York changed international aviation profoundly, not least in the airfreight industry. In the aftermath, security regulations were rigorously tightened. In subsequent years, the cost of security measures rose tenfold.


Fleet rollover

Lufthansa Cargo begins selling its entire fleet of eight B747 freighters. Sale of the aircraft is completed by the end of 2005. The Boeings are replaced by a new fleet consisting of 14 MD-11 freighters and five converted MD-11 aircraft.

Foundation of Jade Cargo International

The new German-Chinese cargo carrier is founded on 21 October 2004 by Lufthansa Cargo and Shenzhen Airlines together with the Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG). With its 25 per cent stake in Jade Cargo International, Lufthansa Cargo is well set to expand its network significantly, since the China-based carrier serves destinations in Asia as well as numerous others in Europe and the USA with brand-new Boeing 747-400s.


e-freight: Lufthansa Cargo sends the first paperless airfreight shipment from the German market.

Within the context of the IATA initiative Simplifying the Business, Lufthansa Cargo oversees the introduction of e-freight in Germany and, ultimately, as Lead Carrier heralds the start of the paperless airfreight era in Germany with a shipment from Frankfurt to Seoul in 2008. Aside from better data quality, e-freight enables Lufthansa Cargo to offer a more efficient supply chain, as well as better customer service at lower cost. In addition, the new service benefits the environment by reducing paper consumption.


Aerologic commences flight operations

Aerologic, founded by DHL Express and Lufthansa Cargo in Leipzig/Schkeuditz in 2007, begins operations with the world's largest fleet of Boeing 777Fs. The carrier's capacities are utilised by DHL Express and Lufthansa Cargo. On weekdays, the freighters fly in the DHL Express network, largely to destinations in Asia. At weekends, they augment Lufthansa Cargo's services. The two partners are also responsible for sales and warehouse handling. Aerologic forms the industry's biggest operational alliance between an express and courier company and a cargo carrier.


Everything under reconstruction

At Frankfurt Airport, the new technical monitoring centre and the New Truck Dock (NTD) are put into operation. The construction of a new runway also reduces the external areas of Lufthansa Cargo, which is why processes are being adapted accordingly.

Better ground service

The Lufthansa Cargo Service Center (LCSC) project in CargoCity South at the Frankfurt hub is realized and put into operation.


Cool at Frankfurt Airport

Lufthansa Cargo opens the largest hub for temperature-sensitive cargo in Europe. The Lufthansa Cargo Cool Center (LCCC) has 4,500 m2 of space, four different cold stores and a deep-freeze room.

We are getting closer

Production management and shift supervisors move into the Cargo Hub Control Center, the LCC's new control centre.



Lufthansa Cargo is named best European cargo airline by AirCargo News and Hellmann.

On new paths

With the start of the winter flight schedule, Tel Aviv will be approached by freighter for the first time. The return flight will be via Instanbul.


A new era begins

In mid-November, Lufthansa Cargo takes delivery of "Good Day, USA", the first of initially five brand-new Boeing 777 freighters. Only one week after its first commercial flight, the second brand-new "Triple Seven", "Jambo Kenya", also arrives in Frankfurt.


Dance of joy for an aviator

The christening of the Boeing 777F "Jambo Kenya" in Nairobi will be accompanied by a spectacular performance by Kenyan Massai. The "Triple-Seven" is one of five modern, efficient cargo aircraft that will join the Lufthansa Cargo fleet this year.

A flying horse stable

On a special flight, Lufthansa Cargo is taking 65 horses in 22 mobile stables from Frankfurt to the Iranian capital Tehran. The entire main deck of the Boeing 777F is covered with horse containers.


Step by step - Bringing children a future

With the prints of a total of 24 colourful children's feet on its fuselage, Lufthansa Cargo's D-ALCH flies around the world. The airline has thus turned the MD-11F into a flying ambassador for the Cargo Human Care aid organisation.


Lufthansa Cargo takes over 100 percent of time:matters, the leading specialist for sameday delivery and emergency logistics in Europe.

Lufthansa Cargo and the German Red Cross sign a cooperation agreement for even closer collaboration in the airfreight transport of relief supplies in humanitarian disaster situations.


Valuable freight

Lufthansa Cargo is bringing the two panda bears Meng Meng and Jiao Qing safely from Chengdu to Berlin-Schoenefeld. In China, the rare animals have the status of a national treasure - protection and preservation of the species is a top priority.

More space, more cooling

Shortly after our IATA award with the CEIV seal for pharmaceutical transports, the Lufthansa Cargo Cool Center will be expanded to 8,000 m2 - and thus offer even better service for temperature-sensitive cargo.


put one's cards on the table

Lufthansa's new brand design is also visible at Lufthansa Cargo - since spring the first freighter has been flying with the new livery.

Beastly good

The Frankfurt Animal Lounge celebrates 10 years of first-class service and best care for our animal travellers.


First eCommerce hub

Lufthansa Cargo founds the subsidiary "heyworld" and establishes the first eCommerce hub at Frankfurt Airport. The focus of the company's offering is on intercontinental transport solutions for online retailers of all sizes.


The new eService "PreCheck" is introduced: Shipment data are checked for completeness and consistency even before delivery, thus further optimizing the acceptance process.

Fleet growth

Lufthansa Cargo receives two brand-new, highly efficient Boeing 777 freighters. The arrival of two further aircraft of this type is announced for 2020. At the same time, the company announces that the three-engine MD-11F will be taken out of service by the end of 2020.


October 17, 2021 – The last MD-11F leaves Lufthansa Cargo

Era of tri-jets within Lufthansa Group comes to an end.

Since November 2013, Lufthansa Cargo has been gradually replacing the MD-11F freighters with twin-engine Boeing 777 freighters, which are much quieter and operate with lower emissions.


March 15, 2022 – A321F complements freighter network on medium-haul destinations

The first converted A321 medium-haul freighter serves the growing demand of the eCommerce industry and offers customers even more capacity and additional fast connections.

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Compliance at Lufthansa Cargo

Compliance at Lufthansa Cargo

Statement of the Lufthansa Cargo Executive Board

Statement of the Lufthansa Cargo Executive Board

Integrity and adhering to laws and regulations is a core principle of all our business activities. This is particularly true regarding strict adherence to antitrust and anti-corruption regulations. We follow the clear guideline that we will rather not go ahead with a deal than to infringe laws or regulations.

To implement this a comprehensive Compliance Program was set up for the whole Lufthansa Group. Please refer with any questions to the Compliance Office, who will support you with any issue. Effective Compliance requires the support of all of us!

Ashwin Bhat
Frank Bauer

Lufthansa Group Compliance Program

Lufthansa Group Compliance Program

Compliance describes all measures taken to ensure the correct conduct of companies, their management and staff with respect to statutory and the Company’s own obligations and prohibitions. The Lufthansa Group Compliance Program is intended to prevent staff and the Company from coming into conflict with the law and at the same time to help them to apply statutory regulations correctly.

The Lufthansa Compliance Program is made up of the following elements: Competition, Capital Markets, Integrity, Embargo and Corporate Compliance. An ombudsman system gives staff the opportunity to report any suspicion of criminal activity or breaches of the compliance regulations. The central Compliance Office, which reports to the Board member responsible for Human Resources and Legal, the various central and local compliance committees in the Lufthansa Group and the Compliance Officers in Group companies, among others, ensure that the Lufthansa Compliance Program is enforced throughout all companies in the Lufthansa Group by means of regular online training courses and information published on the intranet. The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board is notified semi-annually of incidents and progress concerning compliance in a Compliance Report.

Lufthansa Group Code of Conduct

Lufthansa Group Code of Conduct

Responsible and lawful conduct is an essential component of our corporate culture and the cornerstone on which we base our daily work. Therefore the Executive Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG has adopted this Code of Conduct as the foundation of a set of values for Lufthansa Group and reports to the Supervisory Board on a regular basis. The principles embedded in this Code of Conduct are not just the basis of fair competition, they also help us detect and avoid legal and reputational risks. The Code of Conduct sets a framework within which we make decisions as a company, and guidelines according to which we orient our conduct and against which we are measured.

What is a code of conduct?

A code of conduct is a code of behavior. It sets out a company’s expectations in terms of the behavior of its managers and employees. For instance, codes of conduct generally include instructions on dealing with competitors as well as anti-corruption rules and provisions relating to compliance with labor standards and human rights.

The Lufthansa Group Code of Conduct establishes a binding framework for all of the Group’s managers and employees. This is concretized through policies such as the Group’s Integrity and Competition Compliance Guidelines.

For more information regarding the Lufthansa Group Code of Conduct please click here.

Reporting and Ombudsman System

Reporting and Ombudsman System

With a view toward ensuring the reporting of information about potential violations of laws or regulations applicable to the conduct of our business (corruption/bribery, fraud, competition and antitrust laws), Lufthansa Group has set up an ombudsman system. This is an additional preventive measure to ensure legal and ethical business conduct and to help protect Lufthansa Group and its staff. The ombudsman function is performed by an external lawyer who is not a Lufthansa Group employee. The concerned party can submit information to the ombudsman by phone, in writing (email, letter, fax), or in person. The aim is a personal meeting or a personal telephone conversation between the ombudsman and the concerned party. If a concerned party prefers not to disclose his/her identity to Lufthansa, the ombudsman will report the facts brought to his attention to Lufthansa while keeping the concerned party's name and identity confidential.

In fact, Lufthansa Group and the ombudsman have expressly agreed to waive the disclosure of the concerned party's identity and the surrender of any records and other information obtained, unless the concerned party explicitly agrees to disclosure. This rules out any disclosure of the concerned party's identity to Lufthansa without his/her consent.

Further, unless disclosure is required by law, the ombudsman will not disclose the name and identity of the concerned party to any third party without the concerned party's consent.

Contact details of the Ombudsman:
Dr. Buchert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Tel: +49 69 710 33 33 0
Tel: +49 6105 92 13 55
Fax: +49 69 710 34 44 4

The Ombudsman can be reached free of charge with this number: +800 5757 6868

For calls from the following countries these numbers apply:
USA: 1 855 683 1416
Egypt: 0800 0000782
Chile: 1230 0201011
India: 000800 1005779
Mexico: 0 1800 1231861
Romania: 0800 896151
Ukraine: 0800 503342

For more information on the reachability of the hotline or the ombudsman system please click here.

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