
Focus on environmental management

Lufthansa Cargo introduces measures to reduce CO2 emissions


Lufthansa Cargo board member Dr. Karl-Rudolf Rupprecht presented the company’s ambitious environmental targets to international journalists in Frankfurt on Tuesday. By 2020 the cargo airline aims to lower its specific CO2 emissions by 25 per cent. To that end, a comprehensive package of measures – ranging from lighter containers and fuel-saving flight procedures through to investments in new aircraft such as the Boeing 777F – will be be implemented in many areas of the company. These will have wide-ranging knock-on effects and will further reduce the environmental impact of Lufthansa Cargo’s activities.

About 15 journalists representing the most important trade publications accepted Lufthansa Cargo’s invitation to attend the first Environment Press Day. After the presentation by Dr. Rupprecht they had an opportunity to experience at first hand a  number of environmental management measures. These included the demonstration of an engine wash and the presentation of more fuel-efficient flight procedures in a flight simulator.


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