The 2030 Agenda
Lufthansa Cargo has aligned all its corporate social responsibility practices with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have undertaken to anchor five selected SDGs in our corporate strategy and to make a visible contribution to them by 2030.

Climate action: We are taking action to combat climate change and its impacts.

- Our freighter fleet consists of fuel-efficient B777F freighters
- What’s more, we have already placed orders for this model’s even more efficient successor, the B777-8F, which we will start flying in 2027
- We save a lot of fuel – through 100 % lightweight standard containers and AeroShark technology
- We are pioneering the eFreight initiative for paperless shipment
- In the future, we will exclusively use electric vehicles at our Frankfurt hub
- All parts of our environmental management system are certified in accordance with ISO 14001
- Upcycling of loading equipment enables used materials to be repurposed
- We use 100% green power at our headquarters and at our facilities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
- Our road feeder services comply with the highest environmental standards
- Energy and fuel-efficiency management systems ensure that we conserve energy resources

Good health and wellbeing: We ensure that sensitive medical products are delivered around the world – especially in times of crisis. We also provide assistance in crisis situations.

- We guarantee reliable medical care by transporting organs, insulin, and vaccines (such as the Ebola and coronavirus vaccines), or protective masks (to combat the spread of coronavirus, for example)
- In February 2013, Lufthansa Cargo began working closely with the German aid agency alliance Aktion Deutschland Hilft to enable the rapid supply of aid around the world in the event of major disasters
- Lufthansa Cargo and the German Red Cross entered into a cooperation agreement in December 2016
- We transport doctors and medicines to the CHC Medical Center in Kenya
- We maintain a constant dialog with pharmaceuticals manufacturers with the aim of continuously improving transportation options
- We invest in state-of-the-art pharma hubs in cities such as Frankfurt, Munich, and Chicago

No poverty: We help fight poverty by providing access to the global market and thus contributing to economic development, including in developing countries. Cargo Human Care provides additional support.

- We create jobs and secure livelihoods – for example by transporting textiles from Kenya, fruit from Egypt, and replica automobiles from South America
- We organize global donation appeals and initiatives, of which all proceeds go to aid projects
- Lufthansa Cargo joined forces with German doctors to establish the non-profit organization Cargo Human Care e. V. in 2007
- Cargo Human Care gives a home to orphans in Kenya and ensures that they are fed and educated
- We cover the cost of flying around 50 doctors a year to Nairobi so that they can help provide medical care
- We fly donated goods worth several thousand euros to Kenya each year
- We support Cargo Human Care with public relations work and fundraising activities. This includes doubling the entry fees for the CHC Run

Decent work and economic growth: We play our part in promoting sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth and decent work.

- Our sustainable growth and enduring reliability are a stabilizing factor in the volatile market in which we operate
- We fly no matter what and provide stability – even in uncertain times
- We invest continuously and sustainably in all aspects of our core business: in our fleet and infrastructure as well as in digitalization
- We develop new ideas and invest in start-ups

Industries, innovation, and infrastructure: We champion sustainable industrialization, support innovation, and are involved in building a crisis-proof infrastructure.

- We drive forward the digitalization of the entire industry with powerful ideas and ensure more efficient processes and lower defect rates thanks to API, eDGD, RapidRateResponse, eBooking, eFreight, PreCheck, and eTracking
- We make our knowledge available to facilitate worldwide participation in transport processes and therefore set high global standards
- We invest in digital and physical infrastructure, and our state-of-the-art handling centers and aircraft are already making the delivery and supply chains of tomorrow a reality