Fil d'Ariane

Change in Lufthansa Cargo process

US Customs: Enhanced Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) Security filing requirements
Affected export region(s):
Affected import region(s):
What is changing:

On August 21, 2024, an updated version of the Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) Implementation Guide (IG) was published on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) website (Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) Implementation Guide | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (

An Enhanced ACAS Security Filing (ACAS SF) provides additional data that better identifies the parties involved in the air cargo supply chain prior to cargo being loaded on board a U.S. bound aircraft.

To-do for customer:

With immediate effect, please ensure that following mandatory data are transmitted for each shipper and consignee in the FWB (XFWB) message and/ or FHL (XFZB) prior to cargo acceptance, in the shipper and consignee record: 

  1. Shipper Phone Number 

  2. Consignee Phone Number 

Lufthansa Cargo is currently working closely together with IATA on ensuring the relevant standards and messaging formats can be adjusted to accommodate the filing requirements and ensure industry-wide consistency. 

For the time being we kindly ask the customer to concentrate on: 

  • providing air carrier with shipper and consignee telephone number as per existing IATA standard definition
  • assuring that remaining required additional data elements (Shipper Account Number, Shipper Account Issuer, Shipper Email, Consignee Email) are made available in customers inhouse system, so that they can be provided to the carrier in standard messages, once the format is defined by IATA. 

We recommend the customer wait with any specific IT development, until the official specification is published by IATA. 

In case of further questions, please also consult Enhanced Air Cargo Advance Screening FAQs published on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) website (Enhanced Air Cargo Advance Screening Frequently Asked Questions | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (

In case of disregard:
  • Potential delay
Valid from:
03/09/2024 00:00
Valid until:
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